ball with stop sign to stop myths

Truth and Fiction: Top 40 Penis Myths Debunked

Welcome to Giggeli, the ultimate destination for penis positivity!

As part of our mission to break taboos and promote open conversations about genitalia, we've compiled a list of the top 40 penis superstitions and myths debunked. From size and shape to sexual function, we're here to set the record straight and bring awareness to common misconceptions.

List of the top 40 penis superstitions and myths debunked

  1. Size Matters: One of the most common myths about penises is that size matters. The truth is that penis size varies from person to person, and there is no "right" size. Additionally, penis size does not necessarily determine sexual pleasure.

  2. The Bigger the Feet: Another popular belief is that the size of a man's feet is an indicator of the size of his penis. This is not true, and there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

  3. Masturbation Causes Blindness: Many people used to believe that masturbation could cause blindness. This is not true, and there is no evidence to support this myth.

  4. Cold Showers Can Increase Penis Size: Some people believe that taking cold showers can increase penis size. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

  5. Penis Enlargement Pills Work: There are many penis enlargement pills on the market that claim to increase penis size. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, and many of these pills can be dangerous.

  6. You Can Break Your Penis: While it is possible to injure the penis, it is not possible to "break" it.

  7. You Can Tell Penis Size by Hand Size: Some people believe that you can tell the size of a man's penis by the size of his hands. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

  8. Penis Size Determines Fertility: Penis size has no correlation with fertility. A man's ability to conceive a child depends on the quality and quantity of his sperm.

  9. Eating Certain Foods Can Increase Penis Size: There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that eating certain foods, such as oysters or bananas, can increase penis size.

  10. Small Penises are Less Masculine: Penis size has nothing to do with masculinity. Men of all penis sizes can be masculine and confident.

  11. Penises Shrink with Age: While the penis may appear smaller with age, it is not actually shrinking. This is because the skin on the penis becomes looser and less elastic.

  12. Only Men Can Get Erections: Women can also get erections, although they are not as visible as those in men.

  13. Masturbation Causes Erectile Dysfunction: Masturbation does not cause erectile dysfunction. In fact, regular masturbation can have positive effects on sexual health.

  14. Men Think About Sex Every 7 Seconds: This is a common myth that has been debunked. Men do not think about sex every 7 seconds, and there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

  15. The Penis is a Muscle: The penis is not a muscle, but rather a complex organ made up of various tissues and structures.

  16. Men Only Care About Penis Size: While some men may be concerned about penis size, it is not the only factor in sexual satisfaction.

  17. Circumcision Reduces Sexual Pleasure: While circumcision may reduce sensitivity in the penis, it does not necessarily reduce sexual pleasure.

  18. The G-Spot Doesn't Exist: The G-spot is a real erogenous zone in women that can lead to intense sexual pleasure.

  19. Women Prefer Large Penises: Penis size is not the most important factor in sexual satisfaction for women

  20. Penis Enlargement Exercises Work: Many penis enlargement exercises claim to increase penis size, but there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

  21. You Can Increase Ejaculate Volume: While some supplements claim to increase ejaculate volume, there is no evidence to support these claims.

  22. Men Should Masturbate Before Sex: While some men may choose to masturbate before sex to delay ejaculation, it is not necessary for all men.

  23. Men Can't Control Ejaculation: While premature ejaculation can be a concern for some men, there are techniques and strategies that can help men control their ejaculation.

  24. Uncircumcised Penises Are Unhygienic: Uncircumcised penises are not inherently unhygienic, and proper hygiene can prevent any issues.

  25. Men Can't Orgasm Without Ejaculation: Men can experience orgasm without ejaculation, and this is known as a dry orgasm.

  26. The Size of the Penis Head Matters: The size of the penis head does not affect sexual pleasure.

  27. The Penis Should Always Be Hard During Sex: While a hard penis is necessary for penetrative sex, it is normal for the penis to fluctuate in hardness during sexual activity.

  28. People Don't Like Giving Blowjobs: While some women may not enjoy giving blowjobs, many women do enjoy this sexual activity.

  29. Masturbation Causes Hair Loss: There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that masturbation causes hair loss.

  30. Sex Always Leads to Pregnancy: While sexual activity can lead to pregnancy, there are ways to prevent pregnancy.

  31. Men Always Want Sex: While some men may have a higher sex drive than others, it is normal for men to not always want sex.

  32. The Penis Needs to Be Washed with Soap: The penis only needs to be washed with water and does not require soap, which can be irritating to the skin.

  33. Men Should Be Able to Last for Hours During Sex: While some men may be able to last for a long time during sex, it is not necessary for all men and can even be harmful.

  34. The Penis Can't Be Too Big: While some people may believe that a larger penis is always better, a penis that is too large can actually cause pain during sexual activity.

  35. A Curved Penis Is Abnormal: A curved penis is a common occurrence and is not abnormal unless it causes pain or interferes with sexual activity.

  36. Men Can't Have Multiple Orgasms: While it may be more difficult for men to have multiple orgasms compared to women, it is possible with the right techniques.

  37. The Penis Should Always Be Straight: The penis can naturally have a slight curve, and this is normal and does not affect sexual function.

  38. Men Don't Need Foreplay: Foreplay is an important part of sexual activity for both men and women.

  39. Erectile Dysfunction Only Affects Older Men: Erectile dysfunction can affect men of all ages, and there are many causes and treatments available.

  40. The Penis Is Always the Most Important Part of Sex: While the penis is an important part of sexual activity, it is not always the most important factor in sexual satisfaction.

At Giggeli, we believe that education and open dialogue are crucial in promoting body positivity and breaking down barriers. We hope this list has helped to dispel some common myths and encourage further discussion about male genitalia.

About the writer:
The Giggeli Project creates penis shaped design objects to break taboos and provoke discussion on genitalia. The idea behind the project is to create products that playfully highlight everyday issues and make us think differently about them.

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2 kommentarer

Good points!


Thanks for this list! I think you are doing important job!


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