Why Is Penis Positivity Important?

Why Is Penis Positivity Important?

Penis positivity is the idea that people should feel proud of their penises and enjoy them, regardless of size, shape and anything. Penis positivity is a fundamental concept that we need to discuss in today's society because it dramatically affects people's lives.

We have been taught to be unsatisfied with our bodies.

Societies teach us to be unsatisfied with our bodies and ashamed of our nudeness. The unrealistic idea of what a body should look like, and if we don't fit into this narrow definition of sexy and attractive, then we aren't good enough. This is why you need to learn how to love your body the way it is: because you can't change much about it in the first place! Your body is who you are—it's your home base on Earth, so making yourself feel wrong about its existence doesn't help anyone (including yourself).

As a result, you should never feel the need to hate your body. If it doesn't fit into society's idea of what's attractive or sexy, then that's not your problem—it's theirs! The first step to loving your body is to stop comparing yourself to others. You are not likely a supermodel, and they are not either—don't let society fool you into thinking that there's detailed look or size is "perfect". There isn't! According to a French study, 27 per cent of responding men declared that they had already felt insecure because of the size of their penis during an erection; moreover, there are multiple reasons for being uncertain about one's penis. 

Chart of penis related insecurities

Men have been taught to be ashamed of their emotions.

Primarily men have been taught to be ashamed of their emotions. Men are taught that they're supposed to be tough, strong, and stoic—never to show weakness or vulnerability. This is a problem because they may feel unsafe expressing themselves. This can result in feelings of loneliness and isolation, leading to depression and other mental health issues. Body openness challenges these stereotypes by encouraging men to embrace all parts of their personalities—including traditionally feminine traits like emotionality and sensitivity. Men are also told that they can't be feminine, but the truth is that many men love things like jewellery and makeup. Body openness encourages men to embrace these parts of themselves by letting them know there's nothing wrong with doing so—and that it doesn't make them less masculine. This idea of masculinity being tied so strongly to the desirable male image suppresses men from being able to show and experience their emotions to the fullest this can be seen, for example, in the view that men shouldn't cry. This idea also affects men's relationships - they often won't discuss more profound thoughts with their friends. These contribute to the issues of penis insecurity, and therefore, we need a penis positivity movement. 


As a society, we need more loving and caring to enable everyone to be proud of themselves as they are.

As a society, we need more loving and caring to enable everyone to be proud of themselves as they are. Everyone deserves the right to love their body without feeling ashamed or guilty. Phallos positivity enables us to reclaim our bodies, emotions, and sexuality by focusing on what matters: loving yourself before allowing others to love you for who you are, no matter how your penis may be! We can all agree that it's time to stop shaming people's penises. Let's open up the conversation about body positivity and embrace penis positivity! Penis positivity is a new movement for people who want to love their bodies no matter what size or shape their penis is. Penis positivity is a movement that is needed to raise awareness of genital insecurity. The idea is simple: embrace the body you have been born to. We need more loving and caring to enable everyone to be proud of themselves as they are. We can only achieve this if we remember that all bodies are beautiful. Everyone deserves the right to love their body without feeling ashamed or guilty. Penis positivity enables us to reclaim our bodies, emotions, and sexuality by focusing on what matters: loving yourself. 

Phallus positivity helps us reclaim our bodies, our emotions and our sexuality.

As a society, we need to define ourselves rather than be defined by others. Penis positivity helps men learn to love themselves and embrace their body image. It's also important because it allows men to take ownership over their bodies and how they feel about them instead of letting others, such as influencers, parents, or friends, define what is "normal" for them.

The idea of phallus positivity is essential because it allows people to feel comfortable with themselves and their bodies. It helps break down stereotypes often imposed on people by society, such as the expectation that men don't want to talk about their feelings or cry. Penis positivity also encourages men to take ownership of their bodies instead of letting others define what is normal for them.

I hope this post has helped you understand why penis positivity is essential. By reclaiming our bodies and emotions, we can become more aware of the world around us. This awareness will allow us to be more in tune with ourselves and others, leading to a healthier society overall!

What is penis positivity?

Penis positivity is a movement that aims to promote a positive and healthy attitude towards the penis and advocate for open and honest discussions about sexual health and pleasure.

Why is penis positivity important?

The penis can be a source of insecurity or shame for many people. By promoting a positive and healthy attitude towards the penis, penis positivity helps to break down stigmas and encourages individuals to embrace their sexuality and sexual health.

Does penis positivity only apply to men?

No, penis positivity is for everyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Anyone who has a penis, interacts with a penis or is interested in promoting positive attitudes towards the penis can benefit from this movement.
What are some examples of penis positivity in action?
Some examples of penis positivity include promoting body positivity, advocating for comprehensive sexual education, supporting sexual health resources and services, and encouraging open and honest communication about sexual pleasure and desire.

Is penis positivity the same as body positivity?

While there is some overlap between the two movements, penis positivity focuses explicitly on promoting positive attitudes towards the penis and sexual health. Body positivity encompasses a broader range of body types and experiences.

How can I get involved in penis positivity?

There are many ways to get involved in penis positivity, including educating yourself on sexual health, advocating for comprehensive sexual education, supporting organizations that promote sexual health and wellness and engaging in open and honest conversations about sexuality and pleasure.

About the writer:

The Giggeli Project creates penis-shaped design objects to break taboos and provoke discussion on genitalia. The idea behind the project is to develop products that playfully highlight everyday issues and make us think differently about them.


Statista. (2021, July 5). Types of insecurities French men have about their penis 2019. Retrieved October 13, 2022, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/1009701/complexes-sex-penis-men-france/

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